I’m Graduating! (For the Second Time) and a Little About Online Programs

I’m Graduating! (For the Second Time) and a Little About Online Programs
So, in case you didn’t already know (which…how would you? Maybe you are super intelligent and have ESP. If you do…tell me your secrets! How helpful would that be in the classroom?) I am graduating with my Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from The University of Alabama! Graduation is technically Saturday, but I’m not attending since I’m going to be in the middle of getting my classroom ready. As soon as my degree gets here (it’s supposed to mail out August 4th?) then I will make sure that I post a picture. In the meantime, I’ve been trying to sell my old textbooks back and I managed to get a little money for them, but not much. Honestly, I’m not 100% sure that I am going to go back. I’ve always wanted to get my P.H.D. or my ED.S but this experience has made me a little jaded to say the least. I thought I would give you my thoughts on going back for your masters!
So, I started back to school after taking a year off (I was so tired of school after my bachelor’s degree, which is in Early Childhood and Elementary Education…just a fancy way to say that I’m certified to teach preschool and Kindergarten also.). When I started during the summer of 2014, I knew I wanted to finish as fast as I possibly could so I took four classes at once. In case you didn’t know that’s the max amount you can take in graduate school. I was exhausted by the end of summer, but I knew I had to finish quickly if I was ever going to get done. So, I took two classes in the Fall and two classes in the Spring and then two classes this Summer. If I could go back, I wouldn’t even deal with the summer classes. I’d just load up again in the Spring, but I couldn’t since they only offered certain classes each semester. Now I’m graduating. 30 Credit Hours+Passing Comprehensive Exams=Master’s Degree right?
      So, I chose UA because I did my undergrad at UAB and I knew that it looked a little funny to administrators to do both degrees at the same university. Plus, UA offered the classes online…how bad could it be? Note to all of you classroom teachers…IF you prefer to be in an actual classroom PLEASE DON’T ATTEND AN ONLINE PROGRAM. It just didn’t suit my learning style. I learn so much better from an actual lecture hall. I guess I’m old at heart. = ) 25 year old “old” woman here. Additionally, I felt like online classes were a lot more work than other classes are. The teachers at UA did their best to cut down on some of that, but let’s face it…it’s gonna be more work any way you slice it.
On a side note, the comps weren’t too terrible. I had 10 days to complete what was essentially a research paper and it was pretty smooth sailing. I spent a lot of time in the library on that.
So after taking all of the classes and passing the comps and then…OH WAIT…LIVETEXT! I completed an online portfolio through livetext to let my teachers see my progress through the program. Supposedly you can use it when you apply for teaching positions but in Alabama…it just doesn’t happen that way (at least in my own experience).
So NOW, the fun part. Graduating! I will get a pay raise when my transcripts post to my school account. In Alabama when you get a Master’s degree it’s technically a Class A licensure (Class B is bachelor’s degree). I had to apply for that too, but I don’t mind since it was much easier this time around. They streamlined the system to accommodate a heavy amount of teachers. Are any of you going back to school? I need someone to convince me that another degree is worth it! Thoughts? Experiences?

Also, as soon as I can get the classroom done I’ll post before and after pictures. I’m super excited!

Exciting Post!


I just launched my TPT store where you can download products from me. I’ve only got two product available right now (Today’s Number (Free) and Today’s Fraction (Only $1!). Check them out! We use today’s fraction all the time in my classroom! Daily most of the time! I tend to see a lot of improvement in fraction fluency when we have been using the page for about a week. I try to change up the fraction by writing in whatever fraction I choose at the top and then copying it off for the kids. I think it’s a good start to my TPT Store and I am hoping to keep making products and getting better and better at it. I’m a newbie so I’m hoping that my products will catch on within the next year or so. This is a short blog post, but there will be more to come, I promise! School starts for me in 2 weeks. I start inservice on August 7th, and it is H-O-T in Alabama. I have to get some new clothes to teach in…which isn’t such a bad “Have to” for me. I’m really looking forward to it!